Privacy Policy

Last Modified:

Zomedica Corp. ("Zomedica", "we", "our" or "us") is committed to protecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy applies to all users of ® ("myZomedica") and explains how we collect and use the personal information regarding yourself or others that you may supply to us when visiting myZomedica.

Personal Information Collection

We collect personal information that you choose to share with us, as well as information provided directly by your browser or device when you visit our website. We may also collect your personal information from your practice's myZomedica administrator if he or she registers you for an account.

Register an Account

When you register a user or administrator account with us, we will collect your first and last name and business contact information, including email and practice mailing address and telephone number. We will also ask you to create login credentials, which is a username and password, as well as an authentication method to retrieve lost passwords.

Contact Us

When you contact us or submit feedback to us about myZomedica, we will collect your first name, last name, email address, and place of work (associated with your user account at the time of sign up). You also have the option of providing a telephone number, as well as any additional personal information you choose to share in the content of your feedback message.

Registration by myZomedica administrator

If the administrator for your practice’s myZomedica access registers an account on your behalf, we will collect the same information as if you had registered the account yourself. This information includes first and last name and business contact information, including email and practice mailing address and telephone number, as well as your login credentials (username and password).

Browser or Device Information

We automatically receive and record information on our server logs from your browser, including browser type and version, operating system, and device type. We collect this data for the following general purposes:

  • Customizing your user experience
  • Fulfilling your requests for products and services
  • Promoting and improving services
  • Contacting you
We also collect your IP address(es) for the purpose of analyzing website trends, administering myZomedica, and tracking user movement for aggregate usage analysis. Except where you have provided consent for us to use your identifiable personal information, we only use anonymous, aggregate data that cannot be used to identify you individually for our analytics research.

Cookies and Web Beacons

We may set and access cookies on your computer to facilitate the user experience. "Cookies" are small files placed on your computer by your browser and are often used to make websites work, as well as provide information to the website operator.

We use cookies for the following purposes:

  • Maintaining the security of myZomedica
  • Authenticating and authorizing access to myZomedica
  • Collecting user session metrics (page views, application interaction, application errors, time on page)
  • Reporting on myZomedica usage metrics

Personal Information Use

How we use your personal information will depend on how you interact with myZomedica and the personal information you have shared with us.

Respond to your requests

We use your personal information to respond to your requests submitted through myZomedica.

Enhance Website and User Experience

We use the information regarding the use of myZomedica to analyz and administerthe site and track user movement for analytics purposes. myZomedica usage information enables us to assess and improve myZomedica. Expect where you have provided consent for us to us your identifiable personal information for our analytics research, we only use anonymous, aggregate data that cannt be used to identify you individually.

Manage account

We will use your personal information to administer your account. If necessary, we will also use your personal information to verify your identity and provide you with access to your account should you become locked out or forget your login and password.

Security and Fraud Prevention

When necessary, we will use your personal information to preserve the security of our website, systems, and personal information in our control. If necessary, we will also use your personal information to investigate possible fraud, to identify violations of this Privacy Policy and our terms and conditions, and to prevent any attempted harm to our users.

Personal Information Sharing and Disclosure

We share your personal information when you have granted us permission to do so, when it is necessary to fulfill our obligations to you, or when we have a legitimate business need.

Support Vendors

When necessary, we share your data with third-party vendors working on our behalf to provide specific business support services, including application support vendor, website hosting, and website analytics.

Legal Requirements

As required by law, regulation, or legal process, we will share your personal information with government authorities, enforcement officials, or third parties as necessary to respond to subpoenas, court orders, or legal process, or to establish or exercise our legal rights or defend against legal claims.

Security and Fraud Prevention Efforts

When necessary, we will share your personal information to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, situations involving potential threats to the physical safety of any person, violations or suspected violations of this Privacy Policy, our agreements or arrangements with you or other policies in effect from time to time to which you are subject, or as otherwise required by law.

Sale of Business

We reserve the right to transfer your personal information in the event we sell or transfer all or a portion of our business or its assets to which your personal information relates. In such event, you hereby consent to such transfer, and your personal information will continue to be governed by this Privacy Policy.

Your Choices and Rights

California Privacy Rights

If you are a resident of the State of California and you have provided your personal information to us, you have the right to request a list of all third parties to which we have disclosed your personal information for direct marketing purposes. If you exercise your right to submit such a request to us, we will send you the following information:

  • The categories of information we have disclosed to any third party for any third party's direct marketing purposes during the preceding year; and
  • The names and addresses of third parties that received such information, or if the nature of their business cannot be determined from the name, then examples of the products or services marketed.

You may make such a request by contacting us at the contact information provided under the heading "Contact Information.

California law also requires that we disclose how we respond to "do-not-track requests" from our users. At this time, we do not currently respond to "do-not-track" requests from our users' browsers.

Other Important Information


We have implemented organizational and technical safeguards for protecting the personal information you share with us. These measures include encryption of data in transit and at rest and restricting access data collected via myZomedica to only agents and employees acting on behalf of Zomedica.

Third Party Websites

myZomedica may contain links to websites hosted by third parties. This Privacy Policy only applies to myZomedica and does not apply to any third party websites you may be able to access via myZomedica. Any data collected through third party websites shall be subject to the privacy practices of the third party, and you should review the privacy policies of these third party websites before providing personal information.

Children Under the Age of 13

We do not knowingly collect personal information from individuals under the age of 13, unless the personal information is submitted by a Provider for use of our services and with parental consent. Our website is not intended for anyone under the age of 13, and no one under the age of 13 may provide information on this website.

Privacy Policy Changes

We may update or revise this policy at any time, at its sole discretion. Any changes to our privacy policy will apply to your personal information from the "Last Updated" date at the top of the privacy policy and will not affect previous uses of your personal information. You can find the most current version of our privacy policy at any time by clicking on the "Privacy Policy" link at the bottom of myZomedica. If we make material changes to our privacy policy, we will notify you of those changes by either sending an email message to the email address you most recently provided to us or by prominently posting a notice on our website.

Contact Information

Marketing Department.
100 Phoenix Dr., Suite 125
Ann Arbor, MI 48108